Kwalitatieve producten ten dienste van voortreffelijke ambachtskoks
Onze lobby, dat is het product!

The association represents European Craftsmen committing themselves to defend the quality and taste of food products, by enhancing the know-how of professionals, the development and promotion of exchanging experiences, ideas and new technologies while respecting the European culinary tradition.
The Euro-Toques chefs are mobilizing to guarantee consumers a healthy diet, defend the European Culinary Heritage and undertake to give the consumer quality and safety.
Use fresh and seasonal Products
Prepare Products on Site
Saying that we cook using fresh products on site is good, but doing it is better. Defending it with institutions is a real commitment that only Euro-Toques is in a position to be able to do it with its permanent presence in Brussels.
Euro Toques chefs work in their kitchens, and our Lobby works in Brussels at the heart of the institutions so that the products of our regions continue to exist.
We defend endangered products or practices, highlight products or sectors that engage in quality procedures and work on major food issues.
Through our long experience and our know-how, we want to be an adviser for consumers.
"Food Safety, Respect for Quality, Flavor of Products"
Actions carried out by Euro-Toques
Consumers reaffirm their concerns every day about the origin, the method of production, the traceability and the quality of the products they consume.
Convinced that the general public has to be better educated and informed on all subjects relating to their diet, Euro-Toques lobbies for correct and precise labeling to allow consumers to make an educated choice.
Thanks to the actions carried out by professionals of the European gastronomy, for the benefit of the quality of the products, the association wants to protect, defend and inform all European consumers.

"Voedselveiligheid, respect voor kwaliteit, productsmaak"
We nemen rechtstreeks deel aan het werk van:
De Intergroup Traditions-Quality van het Europees Parlement,
Aan het Voedselcomité van het directoraat-generaal "Gezondheid en consumenten" bij de Europese Commissie.
Euro-Toques International profiteert van een permanente aanwezigheid in Brussel in het hart van het Europese besluitvormingssysteem, dankzij haar permanente lobbykantoor.
Daarnaast moet u er meer over weten.
Euro-Toques is de enige lobbyistenvereniging van chef-koks die officieel wordt erkend door de Europese Commissie.
Deze Europese erkenning,
we zijn het aan de heer Jacques Delors verschuldigd.